
Grab your FREE Corona Crusher SWIFT Rebound Coaching Session, plus Videos/Audios for thriving in VUCA times.

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Optimise Your Leadership Strengths, Effectiveness, Efforts, Impacts, and Agility!

Increase Self awareness, Confidence, Competence, & Consciousness, Connection, Collaboration and your Contribution.

  • Enhance EQ, Self Management & State control
  • Explore alternative strategies /
  • Get a Confidential Sounding Board
  • Expand Your Insights & Impacts
  • Lead a High Performance Team & Culture
  • Gain a trusted confidential “WingMan” to support your growth

If these great company’s leaders, TRUST TONY to deliver, then… so can you.

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Your Expert HIGH PERFORMANCE Executive Coach: Tony Dovale -CEO LifeMasters with 45+ years of Leadership & people/Team Building experience, ensures awesome impacts and results, in a positive process.

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Tony Dovale is an expert team/trust building facilitator, author, Speaker and Executive coach, with over 45+ years experience and expertise, and over R12 Million invested, in time and money, to develop the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Teams: Framework, Philosophy, & Proven System.

Because all of these savvy people trust Tony to deliver a potent result… Then so can you!

“We almost 4x’d our annual from about R200 Million annually, to around R800 Million, with Tony’s REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance People & Teams Process” IT was Outstanding!!


Financial Manager, Independent Development Trust - IDT

“Outstanding!! – In all my years in senior positions – This is THE BEST leadership and team development process that I have ever participated in, and got such incredible value and results, with my EXCO team”
Confidentiality signed

Principle Head / CEO, 5th Largest Medical Aid Co

“In my Union leadership position, I’ve discovered that I’ve been fighting-a-WAR… that doesn’t actually exist ANYMORE!”

Confidentiality signed

Senior Union Manager - National Union of Metalworkers of SA, BHP Billiton
