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EQ in the Workplace – 4 Steps to Trusting Your Emotions for Better Decision Making

EQ - EMotional Intelligence

Unlocking the Power of EQ in the Workplace

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is transforming the corporate landscape. It’s the driving force behind effective leadership, seamless team collaboration, and a dynamic work environment that can roll with the punches. We call this “Adaptagility.”

What exactly is EQ?

Simply put, it’s the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and influence emotions – both your own and others’. It’s the foundation for everything from clear communication to empathy, resilience, and navigating complex work relationships.

Why does EQ matter?

Because it’s a game-changer. Companies that prioritize EQ in the workplace see more engaged employees, better decision-making, less conflict, and teams that adapt quickly to change. Leaders with high EQ drive success by making balanced decisions, fostering creativity, and promoting overall well-being.

You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you.

True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. True power is restraint. If words control you, that means everyone else can control you.

Breathe and allow things to pass.

  – Bruce Lee

Let’s zoom in on a key EQ technique: “Assume the Feeling.”


In the corporate world, this means tuning into your emotions when facing tough decisions about leadership, strategy, or team dynamics. It’s about pausing to reflect on what you’re feeling. Are you excited? Anxious? Under pressure? This awareness helps you understand whether your responses stem from fear, enthusiasm, or external factors, leading to more informed choices.

“Assuming the feeling” is all about how our emotions can actually be the key to making those tough decisions. Options. What if instead of just acknowledging your feelings, you actually use them to gain clarity, especially in the workplace?

By trusting your emotions and recognizing internal triggers, you can tap into a natural clarity that enhances decision-making and leadership. It’s about creating space for self-reflection and making emotional awareness a daily habit.

So, emotional intelligence, or EQ, is more than just recognizing your emotions. It’s about understanding and using them to your advantage.

It’s about digging deeper, understanding the “why” behind the feeling, and then using that information to make informed decisions and not just for you, but for your team, your projects, and your entire career trajectory.

Normally, we try to push those feelings down and just “logic” our way through things. We’re told to be rational. “Don’t let emotions cloud your judgement!”

…But what if our emotions are actually trying to tell us something important?


4 Steps To “Assuming The Feeling” and Controlling Your Reactions:


Step 1: Self-awareness:

Recognize and trust your emotions to make better decisions. Regularly check in with yourself, even if it’s just for a minute or two, and ask, “What am I feeling?”

Step 2: Inner guidance:

Your emotions can point you toward your true values and the right direction. Your emotions usually signal what’s most important to you.

Step 3: Clarity through calm:

Take moments to reflect, especially in high-pressure situations. It prevents knee-jerk reactions and impulsive decisions. Even just taking 5 minutes to step back from a situation to breathe, to allow yourself to process those emotions without judgment. That can make a world of difference.

Step 4: Resilience:

Push through emotional barriers to grow as a leader and individual.The more you lean into those uncomfortable emotions, the more you learn to navigate them effectively. It’s like anything else, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Integrating these practices into your work life can help you and your team navigate challenges more effectively, improve relationships, and build a more emotionally intelligent workplace culture. It’s not just about feeling good – it’s about performing better and creating a more dynamic, adaptable organization.

And isn’t that what we all want – to make decisions that align with our values, our goals, and ultimately lead to greater fulfillment in our work and our lives?

It really makes you think, doesn’t it? If our emotions hold this much wisdom, what other areas of our lives could benefit from a little more emotional intelligence?

Are You The Guy With The Explosive Temper? Are You The Office "Crier?" We Can Help!

Learn the Secrets to Mastering Your Emotions For Greater Work Success and Satisfaction

Attend the “Emotional Mastery for Corporate Success” Workshop

Interested in exploring how to “Assume the Feeling” at work? Join us for an immersive two-day Emotional Mastery for Corporate Success Workshop.

Unlock your full potential and gain the competitive edge by learning how to identify and master your emotions as they arise.

In just 48 hours, you’ll:

  • Master proven EQ techniques used by top-performing executives
  • Learn to make decisions with both intelligence and intuition
  • Develop strategies to build resilient, high-functioning teams
  • Build better relationships and improve work culture

The EQ transformation starts here – are you in?

Don’t miss out! Reserve your place now.

Investment: R5,795 per person
Early Bird and bulk booking specials available

Dates:  20th & 21st November 2024

Time: 8am to 5pm

Venue: (Johannesburg) To be announced

EQ in the Workplace

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