
Get Your High Performance Teams Proposal now…because developing high performance teams, #ADAPTAGILITY and better TRUST is the #1 Challenge for thriving today.

Get a TeamBuild QUOTE. Free Videos on Team & Trust Building, Engagement, Leadership, and Conflict Resolution.

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SOLVE Your People Challenges?


  • Reduce Conflict & De-motivation
  • Increase employee Engagement & Energy
  • Grow TRUST, Gratitude & Boost Morale
  • Stop Blaming, Shaming & Racial Division
  • Increase Connection, Communication and Collaboration
  • Have more fun, friendly culture and connections
  • Unleash more people performance Potential
  • Transform Teamworking & Build Trust
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Your Expert Host: Tony Dovale – CEO

Tony Dovale jacket scaled and High Performance Teams building events gauteng

Tony Dovale is an expert team/trust building facilitator, author, Speaker and Executive coach, with over 35+ years experience and expertise, and over R16 Million invested, in time and money, to develop the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Teams: Framework, Philosophy, & System.

Because all of these savvy people below trust Tony to Deliver a potent result… Then so can you!

The intervention was outstanding. It has left a permanent change in the behaviors of the MOST difficult people.
I’ve met 2 of the guys last week and realized that they truly have changed in how they relate with people.

It is a permanent change indeed!

Pastor Zelly

Departmental Manager, Department of Education ZA

“We almost 4x’d our annual business from about R200 Million annually, to around R800 Million, with Tony’s REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance People & Teams Process” IT was Outstanding!!


Financial Manager, Independent Development Trust - IDT

“Outstanding!! – In all my years in senior positions – This is THE BEST leadership and team development process that I have ever participated in, and got such incredible value and results, with my EXCO team”
Confidentiality signed

Principle Head / CEO, 5th Largest Medical Aid Co

“In my Union Position, I’ve discovered that I’ve been fighting a WAR that doesn’t actually exist ANYMORE!”

Confidentiality signed

Senior Union Manager - National Union of Metalworkers of SA, BHP Billiton
