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Hi Team...Plz Share Your Suggestions*

Care enough to contribute? Share your thoughts on what needs to happen to continue to create a positive, potent, High Performance Workplace, that thrives in tough times, with integrity and conscious leadership.

*Safe: 100% anonymity.
Just leave your detailed suggestions. No personal details collected.

Feedback is the breakfast of Champions and REAL leaders. Please share your insights below.

Promise: This is 100% anonymous.

racing car blue and High Performance Teams building events gauteng


Greetings to all you incredible team leaders.  We trust this message finds you in great spirits.

Following our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE team event, we understand that it’s vital to channel your collective efforts towards maintaining, and further enhancing, the strong foundations you’ve started to build together.

As you strive for excellence, one of the most critical aspects to consider is the CULTURE that surrounds your teams.

Let’s delve into the important topic of team culture.

In some cases, teams may unintentionally revert to less productive patterns, especially in settings with developing cultures or leadership.

During these moments, it’s helpful to use peer coaching feedback as a way to steer clear of behaviors like attacking, ostracizing, resentment, or passive-aggressiveness.

Because, these behaviors can sometimes affect psychological safety and leadership credibility.

Another aspect we’ve noticed in less developed cultures is the potential for retaliation.   

This can slow down your growth as a team.

Google research shows that wise leaders value respect, open communication, continuous improvement, and ongoling constructive feedback.

Retaliation runs counter to these principles and may indicate room for growth in emotional intelligence.

As a team, you have the power to foster a positive, productive, high performance environment.

Encourage open feedback without fear of repercussions, and gently suggest to your leaders that they consider feedback as a vital and valuable tool for personal and organizational growth.

Together, you can cultivate a more mature leadership and culture that remains strong  and resilient through challenges.

In such an environment, everyone feels safe enough, and empowered, to share their thoughts and concerns, freely and respectfully.

Change, we know, can be challenging. However, it’s an essential part of progress. Especially in todays VUCA times.

As we continue our journey towards a REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE, let’s emphasize Authenticity, maturity, understanding, and empathy.

This paves the way for a future where every voice is not just heard, but genuinely valued, and supports the foundations of a great place to work!.

This is the foundation of Employee Engagement and Psychological Safety, two pillars vital for organizational success.

To keep progressing, we invite you to share your thoughts and insights anonymously in the six main REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE – CLEARx areas. Your contributions are invaluable. 

Please share your wisdom in ALL of the 6 sections.  v2023.10.8a

Please share your suggestions and wisdoms: How do we create/keep our highly engaged, excited, productive, High Performance, happy, team going?
