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The Dis-Engaged Workplace Cancer Grows

Unless you find ways to address these issues effectively they will continue to eat into your culture, morale and workplace energy, like an ever-growing cancer reducing your best intention and efforts.

With 4 generations in the workplace, all with different values, needs, and expectations, it’s a real challenge to balance priorities and demands

Inspiring and motivating staff on a sustainable basis is even more difficult nowadays.

Along with profit margin pressures, ever active competitors, and these staff challenges, it is a REAL challenge for any leader to keep the workplace culture positive and pro-active in an ever-changing landscape.

The real problem is we need more REAL leaders in the youth.

And, if not effectively addressed, the negative, demotivated, low trust, backbiting, and backstabbing, culture embeds itself as … “the way we do things around here!”

Even new shiny positive talent is soon converted into a follower of the existing negative culture.

Remember in nature and natural systems, it takes just 6% of a system to CONTROL the entire System….good or bad.


Consciously Constructive CultureShift:

Organisational Rejuvenation & Energisation Developing your Psychological Capital & Human Element Assets


Your Organisation

Your organization, probably, like many others, is being forced to make changes to address prevailing business challenges. Along with this focus on financial success, areas like a negative workplace culture, talent development and retention, employee engagement, workplace conflicts, presenteeism, low morale and apathy, are also screaming for your attention.

Disruption & VUCA

Life and workplace disruption and VUCA changes create anxiety, uncertainty, conflict, stress, dis-engagement, low morale, low trust, and many other human element leadership challenges. And the younger generations bring their own challenges to the old style outdated management mindset.

Corporate Mergers are murder

If you have gone through a merger, right-sizing, down–sizing, retrenchments etc…your negative culture energy will have taken on a life of it’s own. Until the young leaders discover a way to COMPLETELY RESET, and break away from, the old negative cultures and re-create an integrated, “all-involved-in-the-design and action”, new inclusive, positive culture, you will be forever troubled by the ghosts and demons of the past culture… The way WE did it!

The biggest challenge today facing young upcoming leaders, is being able to build a workplace culture that embraces and unleashes the new generations’ potential, as well as leveraging the wisdom and experience of the older generations.

We are entering into an even MORE VUCA – (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) times. Any disruptive change impacts people on many levels. Even regular change-management struggles to get around the resistance, negativity, fear, anxiety, mis-trust issues that often prevail in times of uncertainty and change. That’s why so many fail, so often!

Haphazard Cultures

Too many leaders have just allowed their culture to form haphazardly on its own… just as it happens to happen, or they have arrived at an existing TOXIC culture, and do nothing to rebuild it… This is culture suicide! In order to have a positive, effective, happier, engaging, supportive, high-performance workplace culture, you need to architect it INTENTIONALLY.

Your REAL problem

Your REAL problem… is that once the staff have become infused with the “unwritten rules” and the workplace “Vibe”, it’s almost impossible to shift mind-sets to a better level without a massive high impact Consciously Constructive Team dynamics intervention.

Consciously Constructive Culture Change Approach

Our Consciously Constructive approach and process is custom designed to neutralise conflicts, resistance, negativity and workplace constraints.

We design and facilitate an experiential, action learning encounter that begins with developing your people foundation first.

Then we focus on teamworking, trust and communication.

This leads onto Limitless Leadership development with an eye on Culture, Social Networks, Tribal Groups, and Limitless leadership on every level.

All of our work is founded upon the belief that… people matter most, and that in the business landscape it’s got to be a balance of people, planet and profits.


Do You Care? 

If you truly care enough… If you are REALLY ready to transform and revitalize your workplace culture, to better than its earlier brilliance…

To discover, dream and design a sharp, shiny and supremely positive new culture and new Destiny… you have just one call to make. 

Choose to Our Consciously Constructive Revolutionary Workplace High Performance System approach.
