Executive Coaching* and High Performance LIMITLESS Leadership process to Unleash & Align PEAK PERFORMANCE. Coaching on Steroids!!
Leadership coaching to develop High Performance People, Teams, & Cultures!
Tony’s REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Limitless Leadership coaching process helps executives to optimise personal performance, impacts and effectiveness. Consciousness, Awareness, Compassion, Mindfulness, Mastery and Meaning.
People x Teams x LEADERSHIP = HPO Culture
Grow your Limitless Leadership Impacts and Effectiveness. Boost Consciousness, Psychological Capital, and Leadership Behaviors that matter MOST.
Solve Your…
How Do You Build a STRONG High Performance Workplace that Thrives in Tough Times /VUCA?
With Management Coaching & Leadership in 5 Steps?
1. Get RIGHT people, with right Mindsets on the High-Performance team…
2. Collaborating & Fiercely focusing on and Inspiring PURPOSE…
3. With a Vision & Goals, that inspire, grow, & challenges them, and a…
4. Values-based culture that drives the requisite behaviors…
5. With managers skilled at building Psychological Safety, Good Coaching skilles and the right MINDSETS.
What can you do to make sure your company is strong with High Performance Teams & Limitless Leadership Coaching?
- Focus on Building Trust & Teamwork.
- Know & like each other better.
- Clarify Roles and Responsibilities.
- Set Goals and Clear Timelines.
- Communicate often and transparently.
- Create CLEAR Collaboration process.
- Measure, track & share progress regularly.
- Celebrate success AND failures frequently.
- Learn from failures – share the Wisdom.
- Reward Results, give recognition.
ASSESSMENTS: 360's, Engagement, Climate, Culture
Using proven frameworks, climate and engagement assessments, we uncover REAL issues impacting staff engagement/performance.
Workplace Climate assessments reveal Leadership effectiveness, blockages & constraints, to Higher Performance workplace.
PEOPLE: Development & Psychological Capital
Strategy execution capacity is 90% dependent upon your people: thinking, feeling, trust, meaning, mindset mastery, communication & commitment.
Self-awareness, Psychological Capital, are vital for optimising your people’s fullest potential, passion, and performance.
TEAMS: High Performance & Trust
Build Trust, Truth, Connection, Collaboration, Tolerance, Care, Communication, TeamSpirit, and Commitment to clear priorities and meaningful, inspiring, goals.
HPO Teamwork is vital in tough VUCA times and Fourth Industrial Revolution. Time to Thrive, going beyond just Surviving.
LEADERSHIP: Limitless & Conscious
Leadership impacts 40%-60% of results. Optimise employee engagement, clear workplace climates, increase energy, activate alignment, add meaning, and grow self-awareness, consciousness, leadership.
LIMITLESS Leadership builds and unleashes potential, and boosts Morale, Momentum and results.
CULTURE: CLEARx HPO & Change Management
Culture and Climate are constraints of higher performance workplaces. Reduce racism, fear, clear conflicts, presenteeism, dis-engagement, negativity & division.
Boost Performance with a positive potent CLEARx Culture where people thrive, and business grows exponentially.
– COACHING: Executive Leadership, Teams, Business & Perpetual Reinvention
– FACILITATION: Strategy, Leadership, Teamworking, Innovation, Culture-Change
– TRAINING: Revolutionary leadership, Blue Ocean Strategy, Appreciative Inquiry
– SPEAKER: High Performance Mindsets, Teams, & Leadership in VUCA Times.
– ASSESSMENTS/ PROFILES: HPO, AQ, Leadership, GO Mindsets, Stress, Conflict, Strategy
WHAT WE DO – We build High Performance Business Leaders. Here’s how…
GO Beyond business coaching, to UNLEASH Your Leadership’s FULLEST Potential…and GO Exponential in a VUCA world!
With Our Corporate High Performance Management Coaching Sessions in South Africa … YOU ALWAYS WIN BIG!
Together we help you to develop, optimise and align your leadership impacts:
1. People : Mindsets, Perspective, Values, Psychological Capital
2. Teams: Boost Teamworking, trust, tolerance, communication and collaboration.
3. Leadership: Optimise your leadership credibility, competence, communications & Consciousness.
4. Culture: Create a context, climate, culture, where High Performance people can create teams and collaborate at their fullest potential, in a sustainable, meaningful, and humane manner.
A Limitless Leadership foundation helps you to positively navigate Complexity, conflicts, and VUCA challenges.
The PROVEN REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE, High Performance Leadership Process, you can ENSURE your greatest chance of sustainable Success.
Become a #FutureFit Limitless Leader with Higher-Performance People, Teams & Organisational Culture?
Our CORE Intention: Create a world of increased CONSCIOUSNESS: well-being, meaning, Love, Peace, Joy, happiness@work & sustainable abundance for all.
Fix your Leadership challenges:
- Credibility issues
- Low EQ
- Capacity constraint
- Overwhelm
- High Stress
- Innovation & Creativity issues
- High Uncertainty & Fear
- Ineffective execution
- Communication Issues
- Overworked
- Time poor
- Focus Challenges
- Strategic Vs Tactical
Unlock Fullest Leadership Potentials With The Revolution in Human Performance Technology (HPT) that Swiftly Transforms Your Leadership psychology and Consciousness, Creating Revolutionary Workplaces;
Choose Leadership systems that build psychological safety, cultivate grit, unlock your team’s agile strengths, passion, and fullest potentials.
Our Promise: THE MOST Valuable, High Performance Leadership Coaching experiences in South Africa Gauteng!
Go beyond basic executive coaching activities or executive retreats. Choose the world’s best Leadership / Executive coaching experience based upon 45+ years of EVIDENCE-BASED INSIGHTS AND PROVEN systems and technologies.
Tough Times Needs Tough Mindsets and High Performance Consciously Constructive Leadership!
Strategically Build Your Limitless Leadership MINDSET & skills, to deliver exponential impacts and results.
ALL companies have Leadership constraints. Optimise Your Leadership pipeline.
Leadership in the Fourth Industrial Revolution has changed, and so must people, teams, Leadership, business & Corporate Team Buildings & CHANGE management…Change!
REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE – CLEARx – The Proven, Potent, Practical Approach to Activating, aligning, and expanding People & Teams Potential and Impacts.
We help you build high performance LEADERSHIP! to Thrive in Tough Times… in Gauteng
Leadership Mindsets to Transform Your People, Teams, Leadership and Culture Into Happy, HopeFull, High-Productivity, Resilient & Ready, Motivated, Teams.
ALL companies have people and team performance Problems! Optimise Your People, and Organisational Culture, to Connect, Communicate, Collaborate, Flourish, and Thrive, TOGETHER… in Tough VUCA Times. The World has changed. So must your people and Business Team Building approaches.
Many People, Teams, Leadership and Culture are “stuck” and stagnant, failing to reach their fullest potential, That’s where Tony Dovale, and his REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE HPO system come in…to build GO Mindsets, and boost your performance and results.
High Performance Workplace Teams LEADERSHIP
- Performance Optimisation Experts: You get 45+ Years of R&D, Wisdom & Experience
- Executive Coaching & Retreats: We come to you…anywhere for exponential Impacts
- Corporate Team Building Workshops: Groups from 6 to 600+ People
- Workplace Team Events: Duration: From 1 Hour to 5 Full Days Workshops
- Business Team Consulting: 1 week to 12 Months HPO Development
- Holistic Approach: Executives, management, and office staff Appreciative workshops
- Full Potential Results: Fiercely Focused, Formal & Fun office team breakaway ideas
- High Performance People Process: Proven 6 level system & HPO Framework
Unleash Your People’s Fullest Potential and Strengths into Passion, Performance & Real Results.
Proven, Potent Executive Coaching The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE.
Improve leadership mindsets Attitudes, Teamworking, Trust, Relationships, Resourcefulness, Communication, Connection, Collaboration and Leadership. Strengths-Based High Performance… People, Teams, Leadership & Culture, Building Process for Exponential and Sustainable Results.
Create a high recognition-centric workplace, that is Agile, empowered, successful, collaborative, with real teamwork and Limitless Leadership.
Leadership Performance Problems?…
Smart Leaders go beyond basic executive coaching, If you care enough for Positive People possibilities, team effectiveness, and improved results.
You get Happy, High-Performance, Engaged, Resilient, Optimistic, People, (HEROS)… because of our experience in developing High Performance mindsets, and proven Climate/Culture assessments, that get to the HEART of the Matter.
Because of our extensive Limitless Leadership experiences, we are your BEST management consultants/coaches, choice to support your unleashing, expanding, aligning, your fullest potentials.
High Performance Team Effectiveness Partnerships
Together as a positive performance partnership, we solve your people problems, toxic workplace challenges, and troubled teams, because we deeply shift and transform the real issues that affect your day to day workplace performance:
- Bad Attitudes and Whining… into Winning Mindsets
- Low morale, low trust & relationship/departmental conflicts into happy healthy spaces.
- Dis-trust and conflict into Trusting, Truthful, High Performance, Cohesive & Connected.
- Reduce stress and disengagement, and Increase Resilience, GRIT, GO, and Results.
- You get corporate teambuilding experts facilitators for your management, staff, and executives events that deliver LifeShifting impacts that last.
- You create Higher Performance Mindsets, Meaning, Mastery, Cultures and Workplaces.
- Supporting the process you get effective high performance development and Coaching for executives, leaders and managers to sustain the momentum.
All in all – this is THE MOST profound, and effective, action learning, process, to reduce the whining, and turn your workplace into a WINNING WOW and Effective workplace.
To Optimise Results – Impact People. Perspective. Process. Our recent research around culture, commitment, collaboration, connection, and engagement proves that Culture is a reflection of how you lead, and controls up to 50% of business results.
Who I Am, and Why You Can Trust Me
My name is Tony Dovale. CEO and Founder of Life Masters for over 25 years . These days I’m …
- Expert author: SWIFT SUCCESS, Riding the RAZOR & SoulShift
- Developer: The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance System;
- I help Leaders find the awareness, consciousness, confidence, energy, and support (Psychological Safety) they need to create changes that enable them to thrive and flourish in Tough times
I have been on the R&D path for optmising People, Leadership and Organisational Culture, for over 45 years. I’ve invested my LIFE exploring how to bring more Integrity, Freedom, Love, Meaning, Abundance, Fun, Peace and Joy – to the workplace.
But I kept noticing problems with fun office team activities…. Over and over again, the approaches used to enable long-term positive behavioral changes failed – just like most change management & M&A’s.
No motivational style fun games and group or team activities ever delivered any sustainable and lasing impact or value.
It looked liked the changes had worked for a little while, but as soon as leaders moved focus, most people went back to their old ways. The motivation, meaning, mastery, trust and changes just wouldn’t stick.
I believed there must be a more human positive, better way: Thus in my research I encountered Appreciative Inquiry, Positive Psychology, Science of Happiness@Work(tm), all Consciously Constructive approaches that supporting an evidence-based approach to exploration of human strengths and flourishing.
By the time I’d completed my REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE research and refinement – we had a massive effective solution to the age old problem of improving performance of People, Teams, Leadership and Culture.
Most interventions fail because we only focus on, and try to “fix”, what’s wrong, rather than uncover, unleash, align and “build” on our strengths, as well.
After seeing client’s raving reviews, and how long their results lasted, we’re hooked, and have spent the last four decades studying, exploring, optimising and practicing.
I’ve put everything we learned into the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Framework, Philosophy and System, in the goal that it helps you to also create more profound, positive personal and professional changes in the world. This is my gift to you.
Turn your people into a resilient, responsive, agile, trusting, Turbo-charged, #FutureFit, Winning Workplace…
You Get the BEST High Performance People & TeamBuilding Process, Retreats, and effective/proven frameworks/ workplace assessments.
Improve your management team performance with #FutureFit Mindsets, greater connection, collaboration, and compassion. Increase teamwork/ trust, leadership, and create a Consciously Constrictive, coaching culture.
Our proven workplace TeamBuilding agency/consultants, and strategic culture Optimisation experts, facilitate you through the new Revolutionary Workplace proven optimisation process.
Transform your staff events, into a Hi Performance Organization; (HPO) optimisation, PROCESS. We facilitate team development in Pretoria, Jhb, Randburg Sandton, Midrand, Gauteng, and across South Africa and globally.
Bring out the best in your staffs’ mindsets, passion, talents, and potential. Improve workplace morale, and psychological safety, with a safe, strengths-focused, Appreciative Inquiry, team-based, problem-solving action-learning, experience, that delivers life-shifting results.
If you are looking for corporate team building activities places in Gauteng, choose our REVOLUTIONARY Workplace Experts, to facilitate executive level leadership team building activity ideas in johannesburg; We offer Venues, events, retreats, and real business development, with HPO Mindsets.
Gallup workplace Employee Engagement studies prove that companies with highest staff engagement gain:
- 17% productivity increase
- 20% greater sales
- 21% higher profitability.
- plus other positive metrics resulting from better energy, increased engagement, and elevated consciousness levels.
6 Steps to Building Effective HPO Teams
Step 1: Establish leadership credibility, competence, integrity, compassion, and trust.
Step 2: Establish open and honest genuine relationships with each member.
Step 3: Build robust honest supportive relationships between your employees and management.
Step 4: Foster open candid communication, collaboration & trust.
Step 5: Set ground rules of engagement and conflict management.
Step 6: Use the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE CLEARx High Performance System.
Workplace effectiveness and optimisation activities should have a clear purpose, and objectives, underpinning the event planning.
Some formal Team Effectiveness benefits:
-Improve productivity.
-Increase motivation.
-Reduce Conflicts.
-Boost Staff Engagement.
-Reduce Presenteeism.
-Increase collaboration.
-Encourage creativity.
-Increase Trust Levels.
-Improve Relationships.
-Positive Reinforcement.
-Improve Collaboration.
-Improve Communication.
-Inspire Higher Performance.
-Activate Fullest Potentials.
– Create Agile GO Mindsets.
– Enable Responsibility.
– Activate Creativity & Innovation.
– Become Consciously Constructive.
– Improve Psychological Capital.
– Activate & Expand Potential.
– Embed Empathy & Compassion.
– Action Personal Accountability.