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High Performance AdaptAgility Team Building Strategic Ennergiser

Improve leadership insight, impacts and effectiveness with a potent minShifting, Eye-opening Action Learning Leadership Team Session.


Limitless Leadership Matters Most in Tough VUKA Times!

We currently have an “epidemic failure” in how most (9/10) leaders and managers DON’T Effectively manage, inspire, and motivate their teams.
Most Managers ARE the REAL Constraint!

Almost ALL managers and HR people have a fundamental misunderstanding of what’s needed to create Resilient, Robust, Agile, Response-able, #VUCA-ready, Growth-Optimised Mindset, High Performance teams, that win more often. 

win more often, when they manage and effectively lead high performance mindset people, who are #FUTUREFIT…today – skillsets AND mindset.

The HPO Leadership #AdaptAgility Executive Energizer

The HPO Leadership #AdaptAgility Executive Energizer is a 2 to 4 hour energising and MindShifting session.

It’s packed with informative, insightful, and interesting, presentations, and team building activities, covering the challenges that people and teams/ organizations presently face.

As well as the responses needed, like AdaptAgility, resilience, new thinking styles, improved relationships, increased trust levels and more effective, and conscious, leadership.

Team Building Marshmallow collaboration and High Performance Teams building events gauteng
Team Building Adapatgility stacker and High Performance Teams building events gauteng

The session is facilitated by an expert in team dynamics, designed to challenge the paradigms, perspectives, viewpoints, values, and existing thinking models.

Team activities are front-loaded and facilitated to be relevant to the workplace conditions and context.

The facilitation and debriefing is then aligned to insights from the executives, and how this pertains to their context, and their organizational culture.

The outcomes of this energizing experience is that executives and participants have a new set of viewpoints into the prevailing conditions, and challenges, in their workplace.

“Some Core Session Outcomes

• Increase Awareness regarding people & Team challenges
• Enhance understanding re team performance Constraints
• Clarity on Challenges for optimal People/Team Performance
• Insights into unconscious attitudes, expectations & pre-judgements preventing collaboration
• Clarify Conflict challenges and Causes blocking high performance teamworking
• New Strategies for better synergies

Team Building Leadership Consciousness and High Performance Teams building events gauteng
Team Building Vision Keepers and High Performance Teams building events gauteng

Get to understand from a new Viewpoint

Experiences are structured, and facilitated, to show participants their limited mental models and habitual thinking, biased thinking models, and unconscious habits, that are invisibly running and limiting their impacts and effectivness.

The experience is specifically customized to suit the group, context, conditions, challenges, and circumstances.

Executive Participants Testimonials:

Participants remark on how the value that they gained from the self-reflection, the self-discovery, and the team discovery, from this Team-Flow-Grow process, has had a profound impact in how they have begun to view, and address, their people, team, and leadership, challenges as they move forward, rebounding from the COVID constraints and challenges/.

Talk to Tony or Yvette to customize an energizing and exciting break to your intense strategic, and executive, breakaways.  ++27-83-447-6300     V2022.3.7a

