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6 Critical Dimensions Leaders must master
for creating REVOLUTIONARY,
High Performance, WORKPLACES (HPO’s)

ALL managers struggle with people performance Problems!

I was wondering… if the new High Performance REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE info, might be of value to you, and your teams, in these tough times?

…If you are aware of our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Mindsets, this is the next step to ensure better results.  Our proven HPO Framework, developed over 30+years.  It’s called, CLEARx.


CLEARx HPO Framework

  • Culture, Context and Climate
  • Limitless Leadership
  • Engagement & Energy
  • Appreciative & AdaptAgility Actions
  • Right Mindsets & Relationships
  • Execution Excellence & Accountability

 In my 35+ years of High Performance Teams research, I’m mainly focused on the 4 critical levels of People, Teams, Leadership and Culture, to help leaders create exponential impacts and results.

I constantly research and explore how to best: awaken, assist, and guide, leaders, CEOs, managers, teams, and entrepreneurs, to: 

  • Awaken, Activate, Amplify, expand, and align, their fullest potentials,
  • Focus FIERCELY, take SWIFT action,
  • Grow, and thrive, in this Fourth Industrial Revolution,
  • Be more CONSCIOUS
  • Lead in a Consciously Constructive and caring, manner.
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Improving Collaboration?

Do you do any Collaboration Improvement Interventions and Culture Measurements? 

In a world where Organisational CULTURE is an increasingly critical component to your business success, are you making your organization’s culture count towards creating a REVOLUTIONARY, high performance, happy, hope-filled, thriving, connected and consciously collaborating*, WORKPLACE?


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Declarations and Commitments

To begin with, I suggest to our clients, that we all make a declaration of greater Consciousness, Care, and Compassion, and a commitment to improved COLLABORATION for everyone’s greater good.

The rules of the business-game shift constantly. It’s time to align our businesses, and purpose, as a platform, and positive force, for greater human good, together.    

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Is There a Consciousness Shift?

The reality is… many leaders seem to have given up, or don’t feel the need for… the “human care”, and consciousness or compassion.

Seems the empty values of GREEDERSHIP for shareholders, at the steep cost of all the stake-holders, remains more important.

 If we are to all thrive, this must change!  

Beware the Tipping Point of NO RETURN! 

Create a Commitment to improving Compassion, Care, and Collaboration, that works in your Teams. 


We are already past many critical tipping points…with our unconscious, and low-compassion, avarice and insatiability, for just ever more money. 

Do you do Collaboration Improvement interventions that ACTUALLY deliver sustainable results and impacts?

We must become better collaborators in being conscious creators of our best, and ideal, sustainable futures! 

Open to Explore? 

Are you ready to… explore a Consciously Constructive Collaborative approach to people development, Team performance and Limitless Leadership for Exponential impacts and results ?

Limitless Leadership

Are you…ready to lead more impact-fully, energetically, and consciously, into the LIMITLESS Leadership approach, for a productive, potent, positive present, with Clear intention, Vision & Love?

High Performance Facilitation Services:

We offer Fast-Track Sessions, Master-Classes, Coaching, and REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE interventions and talks.

So feel free to chat with us about turbo-charging your people and team’s performance. We have clients 2x’ing, to almost 4x’ing, their results with our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE CLEARx High Performance teams process.

The results of our interventions always add greater value, and increase business results..

#One-to-One Leadership / Exec Coaching / CEO/Leaders’ Wing Man

We work, in person, over Zoom, or any platform that works best for our process. Coaching & Mentoring is tailored to your, specific context, and blended with the DNA and wisdom of our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance System research and process:

1. Become a FutureFit REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE LIMITLESS leader: Maybe you have a growing awareness that you need to develop a new, more relevant, mindset. You need new tools for engagement, collaboration, and performance improvement. You know you must become #FutureFit by adopting a Consciously Constructive approach, to creativity, innovation, agility, consciousness, and responsiveness, to lead yourself, your team, and your business, reliably into the future.

2. Growth Mindsets embrace change and constant transformation: We all need to change to stay abreast of the shifts around us to remain relevant, resilient, and ready. Change is the new constant whether anticipated or undesirable. In order to thrive the “softer” skills are become vital for all levels of the organisation. (ask for latest article)

3. Become a Limitless Conscious Leader:  Often our unconscious habitual ways of seeing, feeling, and doing, things, are keeping us deeply stuck in old, entrenched habits, reactions, and negative patterns, which don’t fully serve us, or our people.

Because times have changed…so must we. Dinosaurs’s mindsets don’t produce performance!

4. Make a more powerful, positive, profound, high performance workplace. Time to feel lighter at work. Time for more fun, fierce focus, fairness, and fabulously functioning, High Performance Teams. We facilitate a life-changing for people, and life giving for teams, Appreciative Inquiry, revolutionary, High Performance process.

5. Assessments: We offer a range of measurement, to act as an x-ray to uncover the real state of your people, teams, leadership, and culture. for a NO COST TRIAL.

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Limitless Leadership Development

Team Coaching/Facilitation and Consulting

Our coaching and facilitation process works via face to face interventions, or Skype and Zoom, to bring leaders, managers, supervisors, team leaders, and teams, together. We also do VERY POTENT, face-to-face, team and leadership, development, facilitation, and Leadership “Mind-Grow-Flow” immersion retreats.

Our multi-day, REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Interventions are personalized to your context, constraints, needs, outcomes, and core business purpose. We generally approach projects in the following process:

Step 1. Clarify

Clarify the purpose, scope, longevity, importance, constraints, context, and measurable outcomes;

Step 3. Assessments & discovery

Assessment: High Performance CLEARx. Plus other measurements (EQ, AQ, Leadership, Engagement, Climate etc) for current context;

Step 5. Post Event Assessment 

Post project measurement: Track shifts, stalls, stuckness, and highlight next steps, and development needs, individually and collectively.

Step 2. Approach

Set-up appropriate discovery, communications, and supporting process; Platforms and facilitation.

Step 4. Intervention Process

Process, and intervention:  The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE – People, Teams, Leadership and Culture experiential, action-learning process..

Step 6. Iterate and Optimise 

6. Loop back to NO#1 to again go up another level… Close discovered GAPS. Unleash more Potential. Improve collaboration, commitment, competence and clarity.

Quote And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng

we have almost 4x'd our annual business with Tony's HPO Process

Deon – Financial MAnager – IDT

Our relationships have improved 10x and workplace energy and collaboration is up 100x!

Tasneem – HRM GoldRush

... the most valuable and powerful experience in my business and leadership life.

CEO 4th Largest Medial Aid Scheme in SA.

Keynotes, Conferences, and Company events

Leadership & High Performance Teams, Talks, Keynotes, and Master-Classes for Mastery.

I speak on specific topics relevant to High Performance Mindsets, Self and Leadership Mastery, REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACES, and team Collaboration.

Plus we facilitate potent High Performance strategic change.

This usually forms the foundation of a push for more effective execution of strategic goals.

“We enable you to educate, inform, inspire, activate, and align, the fullest people potentials and actions.”

If you’re ready to take yourself, your people, and your results, up a few levels!

Or would like free audio intro to the new REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance System.

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Contact Tony Dovale

Get In Touch

To boost your people, teams, leadership and culture – please reach out to us here or call +27 (0)83-447-6300

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Tony Dovale

Developer and lead facilitator of the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance System for exponential impacts and results.

Contact Tony Dovale

Get More Info

(083) 447-6300
Times: M-F: 8am-6pm

