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High Performance Team Building Packages

“Rescue your struggling teams. Unleash optimal People Performance, transform Teamworking”


We custom design our High Performance Teams packages in 4 specific and important dimensions:

Duration: 1,2,3 day HPO Team interventions
Intensity: Light, Intermediate or POTENT Facilitation
Cognitive Capacity Level: Executive, Management, staff

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Summary of our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Teams Packages – 1 to 3 days each.


HPO REAL Teams Phase #1

REAL Team Building: Creates the foundations for abuilding a truly high performance Team. It’s about Clearing Conflicts, Challenges, Constraints, limiting perspectives and past baggage that contaminates and constrains trust and a high performance Culture.

• Resilience & Relationships
• Engagement & Energy
• ADAPTAGILITY Approach, SWIFT Action-to-Accountability
• Limitless Leadership with Heart/Love
o Self Leadership
o Team foundations, cohesion, Communication & effectiveness
o Personal Promises, Accountability and Commitments

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HPO FEARLESS Teams Phase #2 

consisits of a process, experiences, strategies and wisdom shared about addressing the Fears and Fierce Focus on the steps to build on the foundations of HPO REAL Teams

• Full throttle – High Performance Focus, Trust & Push
• Engagement / Energy, Happiness@work
• Appreciative Agile-Adaptable Actions
• Resilience, Relationships, Results
• Leadership with Love/Heart
• Expectations. Engagement & Emotional Fitness
• Synergy & Team Sync
• Strengths & Systems

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• B – BLUE OCEAN Strategies, Bravery Building Trust
• U – Upskilling, Unlearning, Unifying Vision
• L – Leadership Development, Leverage Strengths, Learning Agility
• L – Liberating Structures, Listening Skills, Leadership by Example
• E – Empowerment, Engagement, Ethical Decision-Making
• T – Talent Management, Team Cohesiveness, Transparency
• P – Performance Management, Psychological Safety, Purpose-Driven
• R – Resilience, Recognition & Rewards, Reflective Practice
• O – Open Communication, Ownership, Openness to Feedback
• O – Onboarding, Organizational Culture, Outcome-Oriented
• F – Feedback Culture, Flexibility, Facilitation Skills

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Ai & Technology are Prevalent

As part of the Coaching / Mentoring process we will be  going online into the digital world, to reveal  the secrets that you can use to expand and grow your business

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Right Mindsets Matter

As we move into the 4th Industrial revolution, we will need to embed,  rewire and engage Growth-Optimised Mindsets, attitudes and approaches.  Discover the steps for potent mindset rethinking & Rewiring.

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Client Feedback

We work with a wide variety

We help a wide range of business clients to unleash the optimal potentials of their People, Teams, Leadership and Culture, in a meaningFULL, Motivating, and manageable way.


Growth-Optimised, high #AdaptAgility Mindsets Matter


Team building and trust building are vital for thriving


Leadership makes or breaks the team performance


Culture, conditions and climate dominate the control constraints

Ready to Apply…Now?

There is a filter on participants. because this my initial CEO Challenges research project, and your coaching/ mentoring experience, I need to ensure we have the best balance and fit of participants.

Browse client experience comments

-We just didn’t know where to begin to solve all of our problems- You have given us a second chance at life in this team!! Amazing – LEON CEO Std Bank Compliance – Africa

– This event was the most outstanding experience I’ve ever had. Every company should do this. We definitely need this – HR Manager Nissan

– I want to thank you for giving me my SPARK, and my LIFE, back! This team session was a totally life-changing experience for me. OPP Kimberly.
