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Boost Performance with HPT AdaptAgility COACHING... The Human Performance Technology Revolution.

Create Higher Performance Workplaces; People, Teams, Leadership, and Culture with Greater GRIT, Resilience & #ADAPT-AGILITY.
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Are your Staff and Teams Really Highly Valued Assets?

Many executives complain they cannot find staff with the requisite skills, attitudes, or right mindsets, for high performance teams and resilient, robust, responsive, workplaces.

We hear executives claiming that their people are their biggest assets. But, do their investment priorities and actions, support this claim?

Building organizational human capabilities is a top strategic priority, for leaders today. The problem is their balance of priorities. They say – “we’ll do it in the future…” but the future is now..

Do You Need To Truly Value Your Staff and Teamworking, collaboration and communications?

– Does your investment in staff development match your IT Investment?

– Are your Staff ALL #FutureFit NOW? Resilient, Responsive, Agile and Flexible.

– Is your business driven only by the numbers, or do you also have a heart?

– Do your staff have the requisite mindsets to thrive in chaos?

– Do you want to pivot your business to a new or additional audience?

“Success in business is all about people, people, people. Whatever industry a company is in, its employees (+Right Mindsets) are its biggest competitive advantage.”

– Richard Branson

Mighty IT – Why is Information Technology far in advance?

Think about this…Approximately $3.4 Trillion spent on IT tech in the last year or so.

How much of this is ACTUALLY MOVING us; Man, Women, and Humanity, FORWARD, together to a better, brighter, more prosperous, and HUMAN POSITIVE, future?

Almost every new IT offering is snapped up eagerly, in spite of the mega costs and rapid obsolescence.

IT is a huge cost. Seldom a long-term investment. It’s also only half, of a holistic, interdependent, business system, of Electro-Tech & Human Performance Technology.  Plus artificial Intelligence is encroaching on work – EVERYWHERE.

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Are Your Human Resources in The Dark Ages?

Research reveals that 87% of companies rate staff retention, employee engagement, organisational culture, and staff development, (Consciously Constructive), as an important IMPERATIVE, with at least 50% of leaders considering it an urgent priority.

Then why is it that we seem to still be in the dark-ages with HR’s investments, impacts, focus, and actions, in developing and supporting, agile, responsive, resilient, #AdaptAgilie, Right Mindsets, #FutureFit, High Performance; People, Teams, Leadership, and Cultures? 

Whose responsibility is it to create #Futurefit, high #AdaptAgility, Mindsets?

“Life Rafts Don’t Have… Life Rafts!

It seems like we are here to serve and support IT, when it should be that IT, is here to serve and support us. A better US – you and me – We!

After all what is life really meant to be about?

We are abusing our natural resources and people resources… just for more profits… A little Insane!

Business has to become the force for good… for a better brighter, more sane, humane, and sustainable future.

Technological Automation For Whose Benefit?

IT Executives go gaga over new IT, spending Trillions, in the ever-changing IT domain; Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Moore’s Law, MetaHeurustics, Hybrid Cloud Computing, Nano Bots, Chat Bots, IOT, Big Data, Webscale, Bimodal IT, Business Value Dashboards, Blockchain, Intelligent Apps, VR. BCI. Augmented Reality, Robots, D-Wave Quantum computing and Smart Dust…

Note: 70% of executives at $500+ million annual revenues companies see tech disruption over the next 5 years affecting more than 25% of their staff.

62% of executives believe they’ll NEED to retrain, or replace, more than a 25% of their people, between now and 2025, due to the inescapable advancing digital and automation, revolution.

Leaders are unable to confirm how job roles will change, and what their talent requirements will be, over the next decade.

Many executives acknowledge their lack of a “good understanding of how automation, Artificial Intelligence,  and digitization will affect their workplaces.”

But for many, this cold, inhumane, IT stuff, is no different to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. It consumes valuable resources,  wasting time and money, creating addicted, disheartened, dispirited, disengaged, people.

While IT’s, intrusiveness and dependency, is creeping inescapably, into every aspect of our connected and discontented, lives, we seem to be squeezing people OUT with the daily drive of AI innovation!

This IT tech gives us millions of “Friends”, but very little real friendship. It gives us millions of “connections”, yet we huddle, often alone, in our house, feeling even more disengaged, and detached, from the heartbeat of humanity. It gives us faster “processing”, yet less real quality of life.

We are incessantly driving more electro-tech into every aspect of business, whilst we ignore the critical importance of supporting, and developing, the human element with latest Human Performance Teachnologies

The basic fabric and foundation of humanity, and ensuring a sustainable and thriving future, for all – together.

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Be A Game-Changer

Leaders have to contend with rapidly shifting contexts and constraints, for their workforce, their workplace, and the revolutions in the world-of-work.

But smart CONSCIOUS executives understand that investments in developing, retraining, and upskilling, their people, is an urgent business priority, to ensure long-term thriving and viability.

Corporate training spend is only around $360 Billion… against around $3.4 Trillion for IT, in the last YEAR.  

So HR development and human bio-tech investment is about 11% of IT spend! What does this signal?

We need a REVOLUTION! A real revolution…in the workplace.

In the way we develop and improve our people, teamwork, and leaders; their mindsets and mental operating systems, relationships trust, teamwork, communication, collaboration and Psychological Capital. 

To support and empower staff to be adaptable, responsive, resilient, agile, creative, and energised.

To be able to handle constant change, and uncertainty, we need to implement, the NEW Human Performance Technologies (HPT), like the CLEARx Consciously Constructive REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE approach.

We need a focus, and conscious leaders who place, as much importance and investment in Human Performance Tech (HPT), as they do in IT tech.

HR needs to become the source, and architects, for constantly upgrading their staff’s High Performance Mental Operating Systems. (HPMOS).

Going beyond training, to truly transforming, developing, and equipping their people and teams, as well as expanding & unleashing their fullest potential, on every level of Human Performance Teachnology,

BI-Modal HR Departments Use More Human Performance Technology

Imagine if your IT department worked like the HR department.

Just administering policies, basic training, moving people, tracking and documenting; the usual passive HR admin functions… 

It would be a total disaster! It would be like being in the DARK AGES!

HR needs to become bi-modal, and deliver new, revolutionary, high performance, #FutureFitNOW, approaches, to optimizing the workplace and work force, whilst they keep doing the basic admin functions…

Or we maybe really need a new function; Human Performance Technology Director.

They need one focus on stability, and the other primary focus is on creating the new Revolutionary Higher Performance Workplace; developing agile, responsive, resilient, people, teams, leadership, and cultures, that are #FutureFit, today.

There are a small group of savvy and sensible leaders, who are embracing the new tech upgrades… of their People’s Bio-Tech and Warmware.  

For ALL of their people…not just their IT systems.

These conscious leaders are game-changers. Ready to embrace the new Consciously Constructive High Performance Workplace optimisation approach.

They are creating #FutureFit foundations, staff, and cohesive teams, who can thrive, adapt, and respond, rapidly and effectively, in the new high-speed world we are creating and facing.

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BIO-Tech High Performance Operating System

Tony Dovale’s 35+ years of research and development delivers the new Consciously Constructive REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE, High Performance approach and Philosophy. 

The proven CLEARx High Performance system, with his Human Performance Teachnology, is created to actualize your people’s, and teams’, fullest potential, in a VUCA world.

The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE system creates and rewires new mindsets – with High Performance upgrades, to their Mental OS, so that staff experience a substantial increase in capacity, capability, efficiency, effectiveness, energy, purpose, potential, and meaning; beyond the “average” or detached person in the workplace.

Current Reality

The existing workplace approach is clearly not working… Just look at Gallup’s research showing the abysmally low workplace ENGAGEMENT levels, of around 15-20%, if you are lucky.

Often, the CIO asks for, say, R5 Million for IT upgrades and improvement, and they typically get it.

HR asks for a million or two for optimisation and upgrades for high performance staff development, and embedding Human Performance Teachnology, and they are typically relegated to the back-burner, because the executives believe and say…“we have more important needs, like upgrading our IT systems”.  what about your HUMAN systems!?

The truth is, your people, and their BIO-Tech, are AS IMPORTANT AS YOUR info tech. infact your Human Performance Teachnology is possible more important!

They, and you, could benefit greatly from an upgrade in their… personal Bio-Tech: Consciousness, Firmware, High Performance Warmware, and Mindware Mental Operating Systems.

We have to shift from GREEDERSHIP to true Limitless leadership. From profits at all costs for a few, to success for ALL OF US… PEOPLE, PLANET AND PROFITS.

With People FIRST!

Proof: We’ve helped organisations 2x to4x their results by upgrading and optimising their Human BIO-Tech.

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Activating Fullest People Potentials

You can’t expect your staff to fully activate, achieve, or expand, to their fullest potential, on their own, and in their spare time.

Well you can expect…but that’s just being really foolish! 

People cannot develop, practice, mature, change, transform, or become, more than they are now, in a CONTEXT and CULTURE that contaminates, constrains, or destroys, the inspiration, and use of, their fullest potential.

To improve workplace performance you must upgrade your staff’s Mental Operating Systems FIRST.

We need a focus, and conscious leaders who place, as much importance and investment in Human Performance Tech (HPT), as they do in IT tech. HR needs to become the source, and architects, for constantly upgrading their staff’s High Performance Mental Operating Systems. (HPMOS).

Going beyond training, to truly transforming, coaching, developping, and equipping their people, and teams, as well as expanding and unleashing their fullest potential, on every level of People, Teams, Leadership and Culture.


Just as D-Wave Quantum computers are changing everything in the IT world, the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE CLEARx System, and it’s associated Firmware, Warmware, and Mindware, improvements and upgrades, are changing everything in the HR, and Human Performance Technology, world.

The human brain, is an amazing piece of bio-tech.

It’s the fundamental hardware of our potential, actions and results.

Everything that’s possible, or potential, in our lives, is facilitated by the capacities, processing, inner  Mental Operating System (MOS), and warmware, of our human brain.

Yet, without relevant mental upgrades and OS optimisation, this bio-hardware is highly limited in the workplace, by its foundation “firmware”.  

The problem is that in these current VUCA times, it’s clearly not adequate, and able, to build, respond to, and sustain, long-term higher performance and productivity.

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#FutureFit Now

The new Consciously Constructive REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Operating System, plus the upgrading of Mental Operating Systems, and the Warmware “apps”, that changes and enhances, the entire foundation, focus, processing and potential, of your brain and mind system.

The bio-tech and system, for developing #FutureFit Higher Performance people and teams, is available, today.

  It’s so profoundly powerful that it fundamentally changes the way your mind focusses and brain process. It transforms your identity, energy and potential in every area of your life.

Every Human Has Greater Potential – Maybe Even Quantum Potential…

The new Consciously Constructive High Performance Mindset Operating System and Philosophies, improves the personal ability to self-diagnose; state, awareness, assumptions, options and actions.

The Consciously Constructive development process creates a more conscious awareness and actions in the existing context and culture, with “bullet-proof” mindsets and personal foundations, for building higher performance, more meaning, and greater levels of engagement, agility, energy, and well-being.

This process creates a self-reflecting, responsive, more conscious YOU and WE, able to activate bigger potentials. It enables you to swiftly activate and cultivate the requisite mindsets, skills, talents, capabilities and capacities.This develops staff into best possible version of their FULLEST potential.

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Shift From Dark Ages to WARP Speed.

Firstly, It’s time to become more conscious and support People First, Planet AND Profits. HR must shift to become High Performance Architects and positive context implementers, because context and culture controls consciousness levels. Upgrade your people and team’s potential to perform in QUBITS (Quantum bits) … and not just kilo-bits and bytes.

Turn your unfulfilled promise of…  “Our people are our most valuable assets”, from transactional admin, to the Consciously Constructive REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE approach.

 If you care and are conscious, it’s time to support People First, Planet AND Profits. In order to thrive in the #FutureFit World, ongoing regular development is vital for everyone.

Building capabilities, capacities and contexts for higher performance, builds your competitive advantage, and creates workplaces where trust, teamwork, leadership and well-being can thrive.

To create a this new revolutionary high performance workplace, or team, there are 6 proven areas (CLEARx) that must be upgraded, improved, and optimised, together. This ensures the foundations; Culture, Leadership, Engagement, Appreciative Action, Right Mindsets and Execution Excellence contexts, capabilities, and leadership, are present.

Life Masters is releasing the Consciously Constructive REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE CLEARx Philosophy, Framework, and System globally. Tony Dovale, CEO, makes a free condensed, High Performance Assessment available for committed executives, leaders and managers, who understand the value and importance, of investing in developing their BIO-Tech, equally as well, as their IT.

These are the leaders who will enable and empower their people, teams, leadership and culture, to be #FutureFit NOW, and thrive in a VUCA world.

 Free High Performance Workplace Assessment and Insights

For a free High Performance Workplace Assessment – see the or email

Contact Tony Dovale CEO – Life Masters Mobile: 083-447-6300 

Developer of The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE CLEARx Philosophy, Framework  & system
Author of SWIFT SUCCESS/ SoulShift/ Riding the Razor           V2019.9.3a

