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Killer Company Team Building Events with Soul Purpose

Real corporate team-building in South Africa is crucial for medium to long term for success.

Not group-entertainment, but real, long-lasting, team-building and trust building that impacts people head, heart and Souls as a process.

With all of the challenges we have with increased competition, cultural challenges, BEE, racial, gender and generational differences here in South Africa, it’s clear that strong, true, trusting, powerful, honest team engagement are necessary for companies to maximise their human potential and have powerful effective teams.  

Avoid purely “group entertainment, like 4×4, races, building-ropes etc…

Treat your corporate team-building like it deserves to be approached – thoroughly, authentically, engaging and transformationally.

Inspiration and high-voltage corporate team-building, unlike motivational stuff, can outlast almost all other team building approaches.

LifeMasters Team-building outlasts everything usually because we address the whole person, and the team’s invisible team dynamics – on a Head, Heart and Soul basis. We address the cause and not the symptoms.

Some of the best team building approaches included in the Killer Company real team building in South Africa, Gauteng are…

  • Appreciative Inquiry Process
    Team-building through True Trust-Building
    Vision Communication – Destiny Cause & Calling
    Strategic exploration – Build an on purpose group
    Competitive advantage
    Inspiration T.E.A.M.
    Creative Destruction
    IIdeal Scenario Projection
    C.A.S.T.L.E. Principles

Problem: The ever-changing arena of business has become a highly competitive environment, with a greater focus on performance, profits, market share and positive returns for the shareholders. a purely money focus.

The price of failure is extreme, the pressure intense and the margins for mistakes are razor thin. Unless we creatively reinvent ourselves, our business, our offerings and move with the the new Emotional Economy trends, we will become extinct.

Competition abounds, and will continue to grow even more aggressive into the 21St century.  What can you do to ensure survival – Today and Tomorrow?

Solution: Life Masters’ “Soul-Purpose” Appreciative Inquiry Corporate Team building process will guide your future strategies, actions and growth beyond survival, by harvesting the inherent knowledge, skills, energy, passion, talent, and relationship equity that you have been laying dormant and un-harvested within your team.

Through a highly innovative, inspiring and engaging team building process, we coach and guide, you and your staff (or your company and your selected clients) to dream, design, develop and deliver new and innovative ideas, strategies and opportunities for all aspects of your business, client relationships and team building.

Resources: You have almost all resources needed within your teams. They are your staff and their personal attitudes, beliefs, competencies, resilience awareness and relationship equity. For your company or team to change – you and your staff must change– thoughts, beliefs, values, attitudes expectations, judgments and actions.

Strategy: A period / weekend away with management and staff teams (Or Client teams), where you will design a “Killer Company with Soul”, with a higher purpose than just money.

Participants go through a powerful team building process that will enable you to design the kind of company that would surpass your existing structures and competitors and make a positive difference in the world.  

Teams have the opportunity to create the ideal company and powerful teams, to take you into the 21St century with passion, talent, engagement and commitment.

Process: Teams/Clients compete to conceive, design and present viable and innovative new plans and options to revitalize/replace and improve your current systems, strategies, products, promotion, services and perspectives. Their goal is to create an EXPONENTIAL RESULT.

Topics: that Exponential Killer Company Team-Building workshops can include:

  • Vision – Destiny
    Mission – Calling
    Values – Cause
    Inspiration vs Motivation
    staff Engagement
    Human Energy Management
    Products and Services
    Customers (Internal & External)
    Promotional and Sales strategies
    Customer Care
    Staff Care, Coaching and empowerment
    Marketing and New Markets
    Personal and Company Goals
    Threats, Opportunities, Conflicts, Weaknesses
    Teams and Trust Building
    Competitive advantages
    Activities, traditions and taboos
    Dissolving company “static”
  • High Performance Teamworking

Your Team Will Gain :

  • Insight to your company’s Culture & Mindset deep behaviors, attitudes and beliefs
  • Clarity of Vision, Mission, Purpose, Values, Goals and Priorities
  • Develop new supportive Attitudes, Values and beliefs
  • “C” Factor – Staff Empowerment Strategies – Care, Clarity, Contribution, Controls, Competencies and Can-do!
  • Enhanced Relationship Strategies (Internal & External)
  • Revitalized Plans and strategies and refocused Management perspective
  • Time-Line layout –creating the new futures
  • Enhanced Self-Worth, Self-esteem and Self-trust
  • Higher levels of Honesty, Integrity and Trust
  • Remove diseases – Arrogance, Complacency and “we know it all!”
  • Greater Team spirit/ cooperation
  • 21st Century Success / Survival Strategies

Team Building Duration: 1 to 5 days depending upon modules included


Who should attend:  Typically the entire staff compliment of the team, group, department or company.

Exponential Results Killer Company Objectives:

  • Clarity of Company Vision, Mission, Values and Goals
    Develop new positive supportive attitudes and beliefs
    Revitalize strategies and tactical implementation plans
    Refocus Management perspectives
    Increase levels of participation and buy-in
    Create higher levels of Honesty, Integrity and Trust, Collaboration and Team Spirit
    Reduce Static and build trust

Exponential Content:

  • Identify corporate challenges
    Identify current assets and foundations for success.
    Building the FLI factor (Feel Like It)
    Scrutinize existing Visions, Values and Goals and plans
    Create a Killer Company – Sales, Production, Admin, Service and Management
    Present new and innovative ideas and opportunities
    Team building and trust-building process
    Commitment, engagement and buy-in process

Method:  Highly interactive, explorative, experiential processes where  competing teams redesign an ideal “Soul-Purpose” driven company.  Inter-group competitions ensures a high level of participation and contribution.  Material, Workbooks and certificates of completion will be provided.

Minimum: 8 people
Maximum: 200 people (>100+ to be discussed)

Expert Facilitators & Presenters: Tony Dovale

Tony has been involved in Human Potential Development research, REAL high performance REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE team-building and trust building  and Strategic and tactical Executive Coaching for the past 35+ years.

Having been involved in “Inspiration” for many years. 

Tony asserts that “motivation” is  not successful on a long-term basis.  He has studied and developed the concept of Resilience AQ transformation and EQ/resilience development in team building, business and on the personal level which gets translated into a positive mindset; inspiration, happiness and engagement.

It has proven to be highly successful, in that it creates positive changes that are life long and pervasive to all aspects of one’s life.


About our Life Masters Teambuilds and Coaching:

LifeMasters was established in 1994 by Tony Dovale.  LMI has specialized in personal development, as well as corporate human development and trasnsformational team-building. 

With the Head Office in Johannesburg, we conduct our coaching, training, team-building and speaking programmes throughout South Africa and Internationally.

We offer executive / business coaching and powerful staff development programmes in EQ/AQ development, Team Building, Sales, Vision Values and Goal setting, Customer Service and Conflict Resolution. 

Call us now for a free presentation and assessment of how we can add value to your next corporate team building events. +27(0)83-447-6300

For information on how you can pump up your staff’s performance with AQ #AdaptAgility coaching and customised workshops, contact Tony Dovale of Life Masters – 011 467-1763.


REAL TeamBuilding With Inspiration

Call 083-447-6300 for a FREE 30 minute intro session or presentation.

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Copyright 1996 – 2023. Life Masters Appreciative Team Building | 083-447-6300 / 011 467-1763 | Gauteng

