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Team-Flow-Grow: Experiential Corporate Team Building Events and Activities

Workplace Teams Performance Optimisation to build a Positive High-Performance Workplace Culture

Revwork Staff Teambuildng Package 2018V2S And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng

Tired of money-wasting, short-lived, motivational, “kids games” style staff team buildings and events, that seldom deliver real personal or team value or sustainable results?

You have to decide… get serious about high performance team building process or play games….

So choose. silly kids team-building games, that really just waste time and money, OR a POTENT, customised, workplace RELEVANT, staff and management, High Performance team building experience process, that actually delivers relevant value to individuals, the teamworking, and trust levels, the organisational culture and business results.

Either a team building COST, or a real team building INVESTMENT?

Our Revolutionary Workplace Team Sessions are an INVESTMENT that pays for itself!

Time to use our WORLD-CLASS executive team development experts and staff team building facilitators,  with our new Revolutionary Workplace High-Performance team-building events and CLEARx HPO framework.

This is a proven People Performance Enablement process to deliver sustainable, visible, potent, life-changing, and life-giving impacts and results.

Our proven and potent Team-Flow-Grow action-learning experience, is a potent  Experiential Learning approach to optimising and enabling greater people performance and real business results.

Choose a Proven Corporate Team Building Growth Process

Our Staff and team dynamics development approach is unique, innovative, effective and customised EXACTLY to assist your workplace management to shift people, teamwork, leadership, and culture, up to the next levels of high-performance Team Building results.

Stop playing “kiddies-games” that many adults find humiliating, and a waste of time…

Smart Leaders choose to do staff and teamworking development workshops or retreats that delivers REAL life and business relevant value and benefits.

The Revolutionary Workplace process builds better Trust, Teamwork, Connection, Communication, and Productivity

Over 35+ years we have developed, and refined, a potent mind shifting, consciousness building, process and action learning experience that delivers value up to 10x more than your usual company team building activities, outings or workshop sessions.

This is far beyond motivation to inspiration and true transformation of mindsets and meaning.

NO other team development facilitators / companies deliver the deep impacts and life-shifting insights, experiences, tools and approaches that truly and deeply transform a workplace, it’s culture, trust levels, and relationships…Which in turn delivers EXPONENTIAL results.


Our Workplace Team Buildings Reduce Racism, Build Tolerance and Develop Trust and Teamworking

Racism is a big issue in many countries like South Africa. But our Team-Flow-Grow process works on such a deep level of beliefs, values,

Personal identity and projections, that past blocks, beliefs and expectations that create racism are reduced and removed…to create a higher trust and tolerance culture and workplace. 

Testimonial: Head union member leader from a team building client, commented: “I have been fighting a WAR that doesn’t even exist any more!!” 

Imagine how that mindset change would impact teamworking, trust, leadership style, performance and results back in the workplace. 

Our Revolutionary Workplace HPO framework provides for powerful shifts in relationships, trust, connection, communication, collaboration, and growth-optimised mindsets during our Revolutionary Workplace Team Development process.

You and your team can enjoy these positive and potent impacts too… but yo have to move beyond “games”.  

Talk to us to explore your next best steps to truly transform your people and your management staff team buildings sessions into a happy, healthy, high-performance organisation, with greater well-being.


See our Revolutionary Workplace High-Performance Team Building process to transform your People, Teamworking, Leadership, and Culture.  Call Tony on 083-447-6300 to chat re your next High Performance team building activity ideas.

