#AdaptAgility Team Coaching Unleashes Passion, Aligns Potential, and Enables Greatest People Performance, in VUCA and Tough Times.
High Performance Team Coaching Improves all core Team Leadership Development Metrics, noticeably, in less than 90 days
REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE HPO TEAM COACHING is the most effective and accelerated modality for long-term learning growth, and consistent behavioral changes. AdaptAgility Teamworking areas to optimise:
– Developing Self & Others
– Self-Awareness & Self Management – EQ
– AdaptAbility, Resilience, Agility – AdaptAgility
– Interpersonal Skills
– Strategic Thinking
– Collaboration
– Results Focus
Bullet-Proof Team Building Events & High Performance Teamwork To Deliver Exponential Results in Gauteng
We help groups to become high-performance teams through real team building workshop sessions that transform psychology, meaning, mindsets, teamwork, trust, tolerance, commitment, connection, cohesion, and communication.
In today’s high-speed highly competitive business environment teamwork and trust are vital to ensure sustainable success.
In every company we research it is very clear that connection, communication, trust and teamwork are at an all-time low.
In tough times this becomes a greater challenge.
Because when people are under pressure they revert back to their culture and survival or protection instincts.
All of the niceties and facades that created to show our best sites seem to fade away in the heat of the moments.
Dysfunctional teams seem to be the norm because:
- they are incorrectly structured
- leaders and managers don’t know how to build and manage them properly
- the workplace culture is wrong
- high levels of racial and culture conflict exist
- no clear leadership vision is created
- high levels of uncertainty, pressure, politics and stress.
- staff have low resilience and no conflict resolution skills
- bad managers trying to get stuff done with FORCE.
Group games are not good for real teambuilding sessions and results.
If you are serious about the success of your team and business please stop wasting time, money and opportunity on frivolous group entertainment and motivational style events that have no lasting impact.
Care and respect enough for your team to do something real that adds value to the individual on a personal level as well as the team on a business level.
I have seen more teams broken, because of a day out at paintball or some other nebulous highly competitive win lose game.
If you want to build bullet-proof teams have to start off with people who have bullet-proof mindsets, and can connect, communicate and collaborate for a cause greater than themselves.
Life Masters Appreciative Inquiry High Performance CONSCIOUS teambuilding activities and events /retreats creates a context, conditions, and a container, where true teamwork, trust and connection are forged.
Every client who has engaged with our real team building facilitation workshops has gained immense value, even exponential value and impact, in their staff’s personal lives, and in the high-performance functioning of the team.
The Core Components and Psychology of High-Performance Teamwork
So what does it take to build a Cohesive High-Performance Resilient team?
There are numerous aspects and skills that contribute to high performance team functioning:
1. Identities: Personal and Teams
A strong team identity is vital for significance, connection and belonging.
This enhances the desire and commitment to collaborate.
It gives a clear sense of roles, responsibilities and results.
2. Inspiration and Energy help Motivation
A high level of commitment and contribution come from meaning, challenge and growth. Increased energy comes from inspiring goals, growth, and challenges.
The old stle of manipulative motivation has given way to self-managed inspiration and positive regular coaching to ensure alignment and success.
3. Consciousness and EQ Awareness
A high-performance team’s foundation is based upon creating a psychologically safe space, balanced interactions, respect for perspectives, and effective conflict resolution.
EQ is a vital foundation for enhances communication, connection and consideration for diversity and diverse thinking.
Leaders require self awareness and introspection to get to grips with emotional reactivity and agility.
4. Communication
Work is achieve through conversations and requisite actions.
Thus communication must be clear, coherent, complete and concise.
This must include communication that provides feedback, reinforces accountability, and enhances cohesiveness and confidence in achieving results.
5. Resilience and Responsiveness
As complexity grows, pressure increases and challenges abound, Stress is part of our everyday lives. individuals must be able to be resilient, response-able and respectful, instead of reactive and unreasonable in tough times.
Aq or adversity intelligence, / Resilience are requisite mindsets skills and qualities desired by most managers and leaders in today’s challenging VUCA times.
6. Embracing Conflict & Resolution
Conflict is a part of high performance teams pushing for ever more performance, and results, with fewer resources.
Teams need clear and agreed team approaches to handle and process disagreement, conflict and competition for resources and results.
Conflict can be positive and optimising or it can be blocking, damaging and destroying.
7. Requisite Mindsets make for Motivated Moods
Each person’s mindset must include the capacity to focus on the positive, embrace the negative, process the constraints, and pass on encouragement and recognition.
It also helps to have a sense of humor to ensure thriving in tough times.
People with a Positive disposition and a growth mindset outperformance fixed mindsets and negative attitudes.
Positivity adds to the energy and self efficacy of each individual and the team.
We know that our attitudes control our altitudes of success.
Teamwork is founded on high performance, resilient, resourceful, responsive people, with good connection and communication, that facilitates fiercely focused collaboration when and where necessary.
This is also dependent upon the quality of leadership and the organizational contect, culture and consciousness…
Keep in mind – your Staff engagement problems are actually bad Management problems… www.lifemasters.co.za for REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Teams