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As High Performance Teams Building Experts, We Believe…

  • that people are your most important and valuable assets in your business.
  • in an People and Team Building approach and process that addresses the whole human – head, heart and Soul.
  • that Culture is a persistent CONSEQUENCE of People x Teams x Leadership actions.
  • in a potent, PROVEN action-learning High Performance Team Building PROCESS.
  • in creating experiences that are MEANINGFUL and last a lifetime.
  • everybody can activate and unleash more of their potential with the right support.
  • That your investment in people & team building should deliver ROI’s of >5x
  • Psychological Capital & #AdaptAgility are the foundations of a thriving individual.
  • Psycholgical Safety is the foundation of high performance teams.
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We Help You Create Higher Performance, More Resilient, Responsive and #FutureFit Workplaces with Happier People, Higher Performance Teams, Limitless Leadership & CLEARx Cultures.

Because we are professional experts, and highly experience, Corporate Team Building Service Providers/ Consultants, and Facilitators, with over 42 years of business and leadership expertise and wisdom, we know what really works and what doesn’t.

Life Masters was established in Gauteng, Johannesburg, 1994 by Tony Dovale as an EXPERT service and resource to help people, teams and leaders deliver exponential results, and ensure a thriving People, Planet & Profits.

Our Passion and Purpose

We know that business has become highly competitive and uncertain… People are experiencing increasing levels of stress, anxiety, conflict, depression, and demoralisation.

We create positive Mindsets, Trusting and tolerant teamworking, Loving and limitless leadership, and workplace cultures, that enhance your people’s well-being.

We know that when people are productive and proud of where they work, they can activate, expand and align more of their potential, and do their best work. The customer experience, and business performance, will reflect this valuable and high effective, competitive advantage.

Want to Try our Potent Proven High Performance Teams Building Process?

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We believe…in CREATING HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAMS and positive WORKPLACES WHERE PEOPLE THRIVE, TEAMS TRUST, Leaders are LIMITLESS, and Cultures Support People, Planet & Profits… as they achieve exponential impacts and results.

We believe that business should be used be as force for good.  A place where people are inspired to achieve their fullest potential.

Where they go home each day, feeling they made the world a better place;fulfilled, energised, empowered and grateful for their efforts.The Revolutionary High Performance companies of the future will be made like this.

They will have a SOUL that cares …beyond just profits.

Life Master has specialized in personal development, as well as corporate human development and truly transformational team-building.

With the Head Office in Johannesburg, we conduct our executive coaching, training, high performance team-building and business leadership speaking programmes and retreats throughout South Africa and Internationally.

Life Masters offers a proven and unique approach to corporate team building sessions, producing exceptional and sustainable results, for People, Teams, Leadership and Culture.

We are dedicated to delivering powerful personal, team building, and company transformation, interventions covering all aspects optimising Mindsets: Thinking, feeling and ACTION – Head, Heart and Soul.
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Actionable and Practical solutions to People and Performance Problems


We deliver effective and practical solutions for our client’s challenges in the domain of the Human Element, Leadership, Performance Team work and Org Culture in a sustainable, positive, caring and Appreciative manner. 

Using comprehensive investigation and skilled needs-analysis; we reveal the core performance challenges, and uncover areas of blockage, limitation, problems and learned-helplessness, that are impeding engagement,  collaboration, positive actions and peak performance. 

We design and implement unique, tailor-made solutions, to resolve your specific challenges; resolve internal factors, and to support the achievement of your objectives in a positive and “appreciative”, strengths-based approach, including building Psychological Capital. 

We have an innovative and broad spectrum of expertise, experience and wisdom, gained from numerous public, and private sector projects that enables us to influence, impact and profoundly shift the culture, mind-sets, perspectives, leadership effectiveness, and actions of your people and teams to achieve sustainable results.


Corporate Soul Surgery – Impacting Heads, Hearts and Souls 

Our uniquely designed, holistic, approach to change and growth touches the heads, hearts and souls of each one. Igniting passion, unleashing potential, enhancing positive beliefs for greater Happiness@Work, peak performance and on-going success with a values-based approach. 

Tony Dovale and Life Masters support staff are dedicated EXPERTS at Executive Team Building retreats, interventions, coaching and workshops; Staff Growth mindset development., REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Team building, and organisational culture optimisation.  Call 083-447-6300 to transform your results…SWIFTLY.

