Why do REAL Team Building Events?
Why Team Building...Because All teams NEED to perform better, so...The Revolutionary Workplace #AdaptAgility High Performance Teams Framework impacts 4 levels: People, Teams, Leadership & Culture
Our proven HPO team offsite experience is backed by 35+ years of experience and expertise and over R20 Million investment in time and money. ITs a team development process you can trust.
We have fun, AND we achieve meaningful, and outstanding team building results. We go way beyond silly kiddies games and short-lived entertainment.
WHY-Team Building matters…We develop High Performance Mindsets & Teams that thrive in tough VUCA times!
Growth-Optimised MINDSETS & Relationships Matter
1. Develop Your PEOPLE
Increase Self Awareness, Self Management, Self Mastery, Resilience and #Adaptagility.
Embed Growth-Optimised Mindsets that thrive with greater AdaptAgility and positive Intelligence in tough times.
Reduce conflicts, rebuild trust, Teamworking, connection, Collaboration and real relationships. Enable optimal People Performance.
2. Optimise TEAMworking and TRUST levels
In uncertain times teamworking, trust, connection, clear communication, and collaboration are your game-changers.
Challenges, complexity and constrains need better team alignment, trust, connection, commitment, collaboration and concise communication, to be able to complete effectively.
Limitless LEADERSHIP Everywhere
3. LEADERSHIP impacts People Performance & Results by up to 50%-65%.
Leadership Consciousness, Credibility, and Compassion, blend to create a positive and enabling mindset, management style, and people performance enablement perspective, for high performance enablement.
Leadership is vital on every level of your organisation, if you are going to unleash potential & thrive in tough times.
CULTURE is the Container & Constraint
4. A Clear CULTURE Enables Positive People Performance Teamworking and Maintains Higher Trust levels
Corporate Culture enables or constrains performance by between 55%-70%.
Your Culture is a CONSEQUENCE of People x Teams X Leadership Consciousness and Leadership actions.
Our Approach To Creating High Performance Teams that thrive in VUCA contexts and conditions
Client Testimonial: “I have done MANY Events and retreats, and Tony’s HPO facilitation experience was the best I’ve ever experienced.”
Tony’s Revolutionary Workplace High Performance process is a total game changer for smart companies.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is The Revolutionary Workplace CLEARx High Performance Framework?
CLEARx is a high performance teams framework, Academically Validated Framework and philosophy, to develop and diagose High Performance Teams.
Developed and refined over 35+ years, with an investment of over R15 Million in time and money.
How Do I Know if High Performance Team Building Is Right for Me?
Who Do You Work With?
We facilitate potent lifeShifting action-learning experiences. we work with any business teams ranging in size from 6 to 36, and sometimes even larger groups and teams.
Do You Offer Team Coaching Services?
Do You customise or have packages?
Everything we do is aligned to provide flexible, agile, resilient services and support to enable greater people performance.
Before you Go…
Can I give you a SPECIAL SURPRISE?